Doron Precision Systems

Simulator Training & Curriculum

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the development of state-of-the-art driving simulators. We also offer comprehensive training programs and tailored curriculums to ensure maximum effectiveness in simulation-based learning. With the simulator training & curriculum services we offer, we empower individuals and organizations to enhance their skills, improve safety standards, and optimize performance in real-world scenarios.

Driving Simulator Training Services


Our driver training specialists have combined experience of over 100 years in teaching driver education and traffic safety. Doron’s training team includes professionals with advanced degrees in traffic safety and extensive experience in training new and experienced drivers of automobiles, buses, trucks and emergency vehicles. Our law enforcement training specialists are certified by California POST.

Comprehensive Training Programs

Our training program covers all aspects of the operation of the system and its features. This includes training in the effective use of simulation and Doron’s simulation curriculum in driver education/ training programs. Doron makes it easy for customers to customize training programs and thus make optimal use of the system. Our trainers work closely with customers to demonstrate the same using the Scenario Developer™ with our interactive systems and bar coding with semi-interactive systems.

On-Site Training

Doron’s training is essentially on-site, on the system that instructors would be using and is tailored to meet specific training requirements of the customer.

Supporting Documentation

A comprehensive user’s guide is made available with each simulator system. With details on each function and feature of the system, it serves as a convenient reference for customers’ instructors.

Driving Simulator Curriculum

Snow Plow Driving Simulator - Doron Precision Systems
Interactive Scenarios & Semi-Interactive Programs

Throughout its over 40 year history, Doron has taken the approach of carefully analyzing the training needs and Specific Training Objectives (STO) of its customers to obtain optimum training quality and efficiency, at the lowest cost. The result of this experience is an extensive library of audiovisual software titles and computer generated scenarios available for use with our semi-interactive and interactive simulator systems, to provide the most comprehensive and cost-effective training program available for mastering safe driving skills.

Interactive System Training Scenario Packages

Doron’s interactive driving simulator systems includes a virtual world environment in which simulator users drive. Doron’s virtual world is a seamless environment and includes a variety of urban, suburban, rural, industrial, and interstate driving areas. These areas are interconnected (just as in the real world) enabling drivers to travel anywhere without reloading a new environment.

Doron has libraries of scenarios developed by traffic safety experts to meet your Specific Training Objectives (STO) while reducing training costs and time, and increasing training effectiveness and quality.

Available Interactive Scenario Packages:

  • Law Enforcement
  • Transit Bus
  • Fire/EMS
  • Truck
  • Defensive Driving
  • Operator Performance Assessment
  • School Bus
  • Garbage Truck
  • Snowplow

All interactive simulator systems are available with the optional SkillTrak™ feature that provides a cost-effective, standardized method for evaluating both new and experienced driver reaction skills. SkillTrak is proprietary and no additional hardware or software is required.

Scenario Developer™

Doron has an optional Scenario Developer ™ available for use as a powerful tool enabling driving simulator instructors to easily and quickly create unique training scenarios, or modify existing ones, without extensive training or special computer skills being required.

Semi-Interactive Program Library

Doron’s Semi-interactive program library is developed and produced with the guidance of Doron’s Curriculum Advisory Committee, which includes nationally recognized traffic safety experts. It strongly supports the “American Driver and Traffic safety Education Association (ADTSEA) “Minimum Standards for in Car Performance”.

The library for the Novice Driver consists of 30 titles and is available in DVD format with undistorted, wide-screen projected images and real, full time rear view and side view mirror images – providing for proper training in continuous scanning techniques. A comprehensive library of training program packages is available to meet the Specific Training Objectives for experienced drivers, various vehicles, and other markets. Contact Doron for a complete program list and with descriptions.

Semi-Interactive Program Packages:

  • Car/Van
  • Driver Analyzer
  • Transit Bus
  • Truck/Heavy Goods Vehicle
  • Assessment Program
Driver Analyzer

The DRIVER ANALYZER provides the means for teaching, clearly defining, and measuring the three factors which comprise TOTAL STOPPING DISTANCE: (1) Threat Recognition Distance (sometimes referred to as Perception Distance); (2) Reaction Distance (sometimes referred to as Reaction Time); and (3) Braking Distance. It also allows operators to further develop more complex cognitive and perceptual skills.

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